Opera gx linux
Opera gx linux

opera gx linux

Would you really trust Opera with your privacy/infosec, when they have “rogue” (maybe it was sanctioned by Opera, IDK) employee(s) breaching legal agreements to publish information on the internet that should be private? Opera fired no one for this breach, nor did they discipline anyone for publishing the source code for Presto Opera on the internet.

opera gx linux

Meanwhile, it’s alot harder for the alphabet security agencies to crack closed source software. Snowden let us know that hacking open source software for his former employer is child’s play. Opera sold their Presto based browser to China, then an Opera employee (who else?) published the entire source code (which was closed source) over the internet. Opera jumped the shark, when they gave up on Presto to become yet another Chromium-based wannabe. Now You: Did you try Opera GX? What is your impression? While it is almost certainly true that it will never reach the audience of the main Opera web browser, it cannot be denied that it has the potential to establish itself as a niche browser for gamers and streamers. Opera GX is a specialized browser that puts a strong focus on gaming and design. Another new option is a filter list for subscribed channels to find channels more quickly, and new preferences to enable or disable sound and search, and to change the layout and hover style. The latest update introduces options to hover over a channel to display the cover of the game that is streamed on the channel at the time. Twitch users may sign-in to their Twitch account from within the browser to manage channels and quickly tune-in to a channel.

opera gx linux

Opera GX supported the streaming service Twitch from the very first release. You could limit the display to PC and Linux games only, or disable deals to see upcoming releases and news only. Opera GX may customize the selection by clicking on the preferences icon and selecting the platforms and sections that they are interested in.

Opera gx linux